Why is god unfair
Is that fair? God has been so unfair to each one of us. God has been generous with each one of us…in different ways. God has a different and unique plan He is working out in each one of our lives. It takes maturity to recognize His different gifts to us and to be thankful.
A deep person can go one further and be grateful for what God has done for others. Do you want to know if you are growing spiritually? One way to tell is if you can truly be happy for someone who gets what you wished you had. Romans Then make sure to thank the One from whom all blessings flow. Roscoe Lilly Menu Skip to content. Home About Messages. The List. I cannot bring myself to pray to God for some sort of help in my life, for the question immediately arises within me: "Why should God listen to you, when He has left so many millions to suffer unimaginably?
In other words, I cannot believe that the God who, for example, cured my friend's eczema or helped my aunt land that new job is the same God who "passively" watches thousands of children die every day from starvation and preventable diseases. Craig, I know God, if he exists, cannot be cruel.
It is not that i curse God, or hate him, it is rather that in wishing to relate to him, a problem of fairness arises in my heart.
I want to open my hear to him, but it just simply seems to be out of my control. Thank you for your heartfelt letter, Alexander! So please bear with me as I review those points [1] :.
Christianity entails doctrines that increase the probability of the co-existence of God and suffering, viz. The chief purpose of life is not happiness, but the knowledge of God. Mankind is in a state of rebellion against God and His purpose. Only an all-knowing God could grasp the complexities of directing a world of free people toward His envisioned goals.
Just think of the innumerable, incalculable events involved in arriving at a single historical event, say, the Allied victory at D-day! We have no idea of what suffering might be involved in order for God to achieve some intended purpose through the freely chosen actions of human persons.
Trust in God in the midst of horrendous suffering is a function of our understanding of divine providence. He is also found to be patient in many cases. He also says that He is just. Why then is there so much injustice and unfairness in our world today?
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. The justice of God demands fairness. And fairness means paying the consequences for every action and deed. We have sinned. That is the fact behind the nature of all human beings. Justice has two other aspects to it which God often uses for us — mercy and grace.
The Justice of God. When bad things happen to good people…. The reality is, the world we live in is sick. In this world, the Bible says, you will face troubles. It guarantees that we do, because we live in a sin-sick world. Why do our love ones get sick, and eventually die? Why would somebody hurt us even if we do good things to them?
We would ask God why he allowed us to be financially messed up?