What is the average temperature in hungary

East Oceania All the countries. Climate - Hungary Average weather, temperature, rainfall, when to go, what to pack. Spring and autumn are mild, but there are frequent changes in temperature, especially in spring. Precipitation is not abundant, but it is well distributed throughout the year. During winter, precipitation is quite frequent, and often occurs in the form of snow or sleet, while from May to August, thunderstorms can break out during the afternoon.

On the shores of Lake Balaton , which is large but not deep, the weather in winter is usually a bit milder and less dull, except during cold waves, while in summer, the breezes temper a bit the heat.

We base the humidity comfort level on the dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night.

This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector speed and direction at 10 meters above the ground. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. The average hourly wind speed in Budapest experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. The windier part of the year lasts for 6. The windiest month of the year in Budapest is February , with an average hourly wind speed of 9.

The calmer time of year lasts for 5. The calmest month of the year in Budapest is August , with an average hourly wind speed of 7. The wind is most often from the north for 3. The wind is most often from the south for 1. The wind is most often from the west for 1. To characterize how pleasant the weather is in Budapest throughout the year, we compute two travel scores.

Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Budapest for general outdoor tourist activities is from late May to mid September , with a peak score in the second week of August. Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Budapest for hot-weather activities is from early July to mid August , with a peak score in the first week of August.

For each hour between AM and PM of each day in the analysis period to , independent scores are computed for perceived temperature, cloud cover, and total precipitation. Those scores are combined into a single hourly composite score, which is then aggregated into days, averaged over all the years in the analysis period, and smoothed. Our cloud cover score is 10 for fully clear skies, falling linearly to 9 for mostly clear skies, and to 1 for fully overcast skies. Our precipitation score , which is based on the three-hour precipitation centered on the hour in question, is 10 for no precipitation, falling linearly to 9 for trace precipitation, and to 0 for 0.

The growing season in Budapest typically lasts for 6. Growing degree days are a measure of yearly heat accumulation used to predict plant and animal development, and defined as the integral of warmth above a base temperature, discarding any excess above a maximum temperature. Based on growing degree days alone, the first spring blooms in Budapest should appear around April 9 , only rarely appearing before March 28 or after April This section discusses the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents.

Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation. The average daily incident shortwave solar energy experiences extreme seasonal variation over the course of the year.

The brighter period of the year lasts for 3. The brightest month of the year in Budapest is June , with an average of 6.

The darker period of the year lasts for 3. The darkest month of the year in Budapest is December , with an average of 1. For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Budapest are The topography within 2 miles of Budapest contains significant variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of feet and an average elevation above sea level of feet. Within 10 miles contains significant variations in elevation 1, feet.

Within 50 miles contains very significant variations in elevation 2, feet. This report illustrates the typical weather in Budapest, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, to December 31, There are 4 weather stations near enough to contribute to our estimation of the temperature and dew point in Budapest. For each station, the records are corrected for the elevation difference between that station and Budapest according to the International Standard Atmosphere , and by the relative change present in the MERRA-2 satellite-era reanalysis between the two locations.

The estimated value at Budapest is computed as the weighted average of the individual contributions from each station, with weights proportional to the inverse of the distance between Budapest and a given station. To get a sense of how much these sources agree with each other, you can view a comparison of Budapest and the stations that contribute to our estimates of its temperature history and climate.

Please note that each source's contribution is adjusted for elevation and the relative change present in the MERRA-2 data. All data relating to the Sun's position e. This reanalysis combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather throughout the world on a kilometer grid.

Names, locations, and time zones of places and some airports come from the GeoNames Geographical Database. Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by AskGeo. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose.

When drought effects are exacerbated by heat waves or vice versa, such combination may cause devastating effects, as it happened in summer in Central Europe The results of model calculations show a temperature increase in Hungary in compared with This projected increase is 0. For the seasons slightly different results are obtained: for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, increases are projected of, respectively, 1.

The number of frosty days is expected to decrease in , compared with , in all parts of the country, by days. The areas at higher altitudes are expected to show a larger more than 14 days in average reduction, while the southern, lower areas are expected to show a smaller change. The number of frosty days shows a definite reduction tendency, which will decrease the heat consumption due to a higher average temperature and a shorter heating period. The number of days with heat alert shows an increasing tendency in , compared with by 14 days in the southern regions of the country , and this will cause a higher cooling demand, thus higher energy consumption 1.

The largest temperature increase is expected in summer, and the smallest increase in spring. The expected summer warming of Hungary in compared with ranges from 4. In case of spring, the expected temperature increase inside Hungary is 2. Projected spatial gradients of warming for summer and winter by the end of the 21 st century show increasing values from north to south in the summer, and increasing values from west to east in the winter; differences are between 0.

By the end of the 21st century, countries in central Europe will experience the same number of hot days as are currently experienced in southern Europe 3. The part of Hungary from the centre to the south-east, characterised by a flat topography, has the highest temperatures and the lowest annual precipitation totals. For this part, the highest temperature increase, significant changes in the extreme temperature events increase of the summer days and decline of the frost days , and the highest precipitation decline or, at least, the lowest precipitation-increase ratios have been projected for — and — compared with — according to regional climate models under IPCC A1B climate scenario 7.

With respect to climate change, four main climate-region types have been distinguished 7 :. The change in precipitation does not show such a uniform tendency: the models forecast small changes which are in most cases not significant 1. The annual precipitation sum is not expected to change significantly in this region 6.

For the summertime, however, model calculations point at mean precipitation decreases over central Europe 3 , and an increase of the frequency and intensity of the extreme weather events 2. The largest uncertainty of precipitation change is expected in summer 6.


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