Who is clam digger
You see this a lot when individuals who are accused of something decide to clam up, often under the advice of their attorney. Back in California, Zach finds that people from whom he might learn about the bombing either die, disappear, or clam up. All of which makes me wonder why Lindsey Graham and his cohort were so afraid the guy would clam up.
From goth dating to plus-size, prisoners to gold diggers, these sites revolve around one thing: honesty. Then I thought the non-celebrities would clam up because the cameras would make them nervous.
The recovery of the oyster, clam and other edible shell-fish is also a feature of the work which the Lake Company has in view. Join Our Free Trial Now! Learn More About clamdigger. Statistics for clamdigger Look-up Popularity. Style: MLA. Get Word of the Day daily email!
Test Your Vocabulary. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Need even more definitions? Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms The same, but different. Unclean women who are promiscuous are generally at a high risk , including prostitutes, tunabitches, Paris Hilton, and other pickle ticklers. Clam Digger N ; A person who must " dig " to get to the " clam. Lesbian Dyke Rug muncher Carpet muncher Taco troller.
That one there!! In the red plaid shirt! She's a clam digger!