Which loyalty mission should i do first
On this page, we proffer our suggestion for the optimum sequence of story missions and events in Mass Effect 2. The basic structure of Mass Effect 2 is pretty simple. Yet, playing each mission in a specific order can improve a playthrough in various ways.
For instance, if you complete quests in the optimal sequence, you lower the risk of losing characters by the end of the game.
Plus, your narrative experience can be enhanced simply by doing certain missions at certain times. So, here is the order in which you should complete all of the main content. During Mass Effect 2's prologue, you have no control over which missions you play.
The sequence of events includes an attack on the Normandy, Shepard joining Cerberus, and a visit to Freedom's Progress. Afterwards it's recruting Tali, Collector's Vessel and all other loyalty missions, Jack, Samara, Garrus, Thane, Jacob, Tali, Overlord and other remaining side missions, more scanning, making sure I have all upgrades. In my game, which is modded, The Arrival doesn't even trigger before the Suicide Mission.
My game is modded mostly for better visuals and restoring some content. I also do the mineral scanning as I travel around. Only after that I buy upgrades from Citadel and Omega.
By that point I have Miranda's loyalty mission available. It doesn't make sense to me to leave her hanging when I can help her and also the additional resources from that DLC are very useful later. Especially the option to re-spec the team.
I start at the Citadel, because like hell I'm going to follow TIM's suggestions and also need to speak with the Council and get reinstated as a Spectre. I do the tiny side assignments there including two picked onboard of SR2 , recruit Kasumi and do her loyalty mission.
It's in a system next door and also Kassa Locust with incendiary ammo makes a great weapon for a Vanguard. Then Omega, recruit Zaeed, Mordin and Garrus, do the side assignments there.
Then it's Zaeed's loyalty mission, because it's available from the start. Never had any problems with the Paragon route. Zaeed is loyal every time. Always grabbed tali and garrus first. Also, Overlord is best done after Suicide mission and before Arrival: that way you can use loyal Legion on it, and he's good in a geth mission, plus gets a unique dialogue piece from Archer. Finally, doing Zaeed's loyalty mission FIRST ensures you can succeed even with low paragon score since it's based on percentage.
Essential for Renegon Shepards! OR you can not do it until after endgame and leave him to die for ultimate Paragade. LotSB later brings you less bonuses but lets you play with Liara having maxed skills. Squad Mates who aren't Loyal run a much greater risk of dying, or getting somebody else killed, at specific moments. Completing these mitigates this risk, and also unlocked an extra Power for them to use which can also be assigned to Shepard in the Med Bay.
Loyalty Missions are also important to Mass Effect 3. Even if a Squad Mate survives the Suicide Mission , not completing their Loyalty Mission means they run a greater risk of dying in a Mission that features them in the third game. Mass Effect 2 Wiki Guide.