Where is reins of the crimson deathcharger from

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Comment by Hoochie When you kill the Lich King with a player wearing Shadowmourne in the raid, you will get an additional item - Unsealed Chest. After bringing the chest to Darion he will open it up and let you bring the items back to their respective owners to get your rewards : Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger - A brand new mount that looks like the Death Knight's class mount. Muradin's Favor - A minute Frost Dwarf transformation. Jaina's Locket - A portal to Dalaran on a 1-hour cooldown, you finally have your own pocket mage!

Tabard of the Lightbringer - A tabard with a very shiny on-use effect. Comment by L4ptop If u need how he look. Check this link: My char Sonne. Comment by Baelof So I want to know; Does this summon up like a regular mount? Comment by Teremei I think it kinda sucks that toons other than DKs can get a mount that looks just like if not better than the DK unique mount.

But the way things are trending I wouldn't be suprised if they did. Comment by freemuffins I've submitted a screenshot of a GM reply in-game of the following: "The Sealed Chest item only drops as long as the person on the Shadowmourne quest line has 'The Lich King's Last Stand' in their quest log. Once they complete the quest, the Sealed Chest will no longer drop. This will be a fairly rare item.

By that it can imply that even if the person completes the objective for the quest, as long as they don't turn in, the chest will still drop from Arthas. Feel free to correct me but this seems to be a valid interpretation of the GM's response. Comment by since its bind on use send it to a lvl 20 alt and let everyone stare at how awesome you are.

Comment by I'm sure this will be down rated If this item continues to be a "BoU" bind on use I don't really see the point. All of these items from this chest are purely vanity and meant for lore nerds.

Personally, I hate that this game has turned into a 3-D version of Gaia online. And if you don't know what Gaia online is. Thank God. You are a good person! I'd get this. Sell it. And be just as happy having up to what ever this thing could fetch since which is obviously going to be in the ks range. I don't care if I can hear a bunch of dead chicks singing to me. I don't care that my tabard puts a golden aura around me for 30 seconds.

I get that enough from pallies and priests. I don't care that I have a pocket port. Turning into a frost dwarf Does it have any benefit other then dancing in IF or Org getting tells from newbs "wheredja get that? And truth be told.

People enjoy masquerading about town on their pretty steeds. And that's it. This thing is just as worthless as the mount achieve. A blue dragon-hawk It's an old model with different colors. Blizzard loves to do that. Why people get excited over this BS is beyond me Comment by ckgeorge lol, someone on my server traded one for a mechano hog xD. Comment by I just bought this for 80k gold on Tichondrius US. I have not equipped it yet.

I might resell this when blizzard makes it impossible to get. I am a mount collector that is my hobby that's my passion. I like mounts. Just wish I had the legendary bug mount :.

Comment by I just wanted to clear up any questions as to the purpose of what the unsealed chest is for. I have spoke with gm's on the topic and they have confirmed that the chest is meant for the person with shadowmourne as a way of saying great job. I asked them why would they make the items bopu if they could forsee the drama it could cause, and they responded that blizzard made the items bopu, for the sole reason to allow the wielder of shadowmourne to do with the items as he or she see's fit.

They stated that is if they want to keep all the items for themselves that is perfectly acceptable, and if they wanted to give the items away that is also acceptable that it is entirely up to them.

So that sums it up, it is soley meant for the wielder of shadowmourne to do with as they want. If you guild is trying to force you to give up the items they are in the wrong, regardless if they view it as a group effort or not. The only time I really can see a guild having any imput into the loot from the chest, is if they provided all the saronite you needed to get started.

Guilds are saying it was a group effort, and we had to change strats to get the quest done for them. Ok first off if the guild didn't provide the saronite, especially before the price dropped that is one large investment the person made on their own.

Second, there is really no strat change to do the quest. This is what I mean: The abom is the same regardless, some think you haft to let one ooze not be slowed to get it, well they are just doing it wrong all oozes can be slowed, so no change in that one.

Blood Queen: Someone always has to be bit, your just letting that peron be bit second and then they bite the next three after soaking one tick of blood mirror, so no strat change there. Sindragosa: Here is the only slight deviation from a normal strat in that the person has to soak 4 frost breath, but if done correctly they can get the breath and still dps, so no real change there, especially if it's the tank.

So that stops that arguement on strat, and I pose this question, would the guilds still be raiding ICC 25 man every week just the same if there was no shadowmourne to gain, yes they would. I know of no guild that is only running ICC to get a person a shadowmourne, so with that your doing what you would anyway so as far a shards go, the guild really isn't doing anything special to help the person, just the loot master clicking to give them a shard drop.

I submitted the screen shot from the gm conversation to be approved, so all can see! Comment by This is stupid.

This item needs to be changed to drop more than once or drop for everyone in the raid. As it stands, this is the only rare mount in the game that is nearly impossible to obtain on some classes but not others. Inb4buyit, NOONE on my server is selling it, nor am I likely to ever have enough cash to buy one of these, let alone the other items that come in the chest too. What's wrong, you afraid you're gonna get flamed for saying something contrary?

Comment by wow can a level 35 or low level ride it? Comment by wow can u use it at low level. Comment by tecnomage Ok I just got this mount today. My guild EPGPed it, for points each item. I got the mount, even not being in the group atm. As for the summoning Subimited a screenshot a while ago Comment by Nerruse I was extremely lucky to purchase mine for 65k yesterday. So if you get the chance to get one, get it now. Tempted to get a second to hold back if I manage to raise the gold.

PS looks neat on a druid. Comment by Darkomicron All of these items from this chest are purely vanity and meant for lore nerds. Comment by Bind on use - You can put it in the AH. You can give it to a level You could throw it in the guild bank. You can do anything with this that you can do with, say, a stack of Linen Cloth. Comment by Just managed to snag one of these.

IMO 90k is about as good of a deal as I could have ever managed to get on one of these and as a mount collector, I am extremely excited to have it. Nice to be able to spend my gold on something. Completely worth it. I mean, I know the Archerus probly not spelled right deathcharger's feet are white, but still Comment by And no, playing world of warcraft sadly isn't a total waste of time.

Some people enjoy it and it helps to keep them distracted from all the bad stuff in their lives. Some things will be more or less effective in doing this than others. Comment by goatsicle I completely understand how this mount sells for what it does based on the difficulty in attaining it. I also understand how collectors would want this to add to their collection.

What I don't understand is why Blizz made this mount so un-extraordinary in its appearance. It's just a red DK mount basically. It doesn't even leave trails like the Headless Horseman's Mount. I'm very disappointed in you Blizz, this could be so much more special. Maybe they'll come back for Cataclysm. Comment by My first thought when I learned about this mount was "Oh..

I found a seller, scrambled together k in less than 1 month farming herbs like crazy and got it.. Finally a great looking, rare mount that can be bought with hard work other than from raiding or luck in rare drops I'd recommend anyone that feels they want it, to buy it.

It's really worth the gold! If you ask me, that makes it a million times more badass. Comment by whitedragon Saw a level 20 gnome mage with this in dalaran today. Comment by Murilas well, the guild made one simple thing, though - they gave a HUGE preference to this particular person. I think a guild that is good enough to get this item is likely to have there loot rules worked out.

Comment by Leat Does anybody know if when they release the patch to remove the ulduar mounts, kingslayer, etc, if they will remove this mount?

I hope not. Because higher than level 80 or not shadowmourne will still be hard to get. Comment by OerbaDiaVanille My friend says it's more practical to buy this from someone rather than attempting to get people to run the 25 man, is that true?

I really, really want this mount but someone was selling it for like 90k on AH. Although it may be more practical to buy it. Comment by I adore riding this around and having poor players giving me angry whispers. Yes I paid k, yes it's a ground mount, yes I could have used that gold for a flying TCG mount instead I didn't want to and this is a game and I'll play it however the F I like Seriously, some players need to QQ no matter what.

I adore this mount for what it is I can mount this and always be remembered of those days spent in ICC and the joy of seeing someone getting their Shadowmourne. A lot of guildies gave away this mount for free, but I wouldn't allow it!

I bought mine. The ONLY thing bad about this mount is that since Cata arrived, it no longer uses the same run animation as it did before Comment by Soo Comment by SwordDealer If only this quest line had some super powerful item that would make it worthwhile for people who don't care about vanity.

Comment by I would love to have it im at 2 shadowfrost shards. Look for sellers in advance. I don't mean find ONE seller in advance--that's what I did, and he backed out at the last minute--I mean make sure that there's generally a few people on the chain, on your realm, at any given time. If your realm pop is low, and finding a seller will be hard, it's probably worth your while to do the chain yourself instead--even on an alt--to get yourself this mount.

Believe me, you'll get your money's worth on that macro. I've spoken to a GM who genuinely couldn't find out; nobody seems to know for sure. When Darion first appears at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown, in the guise of the Ebon Watcher, he's accompanied by a horse called Iydallus. Finally, in ICC, he's found standing apart from everyone else, alongside Fury.

Fury and Iydallus are both red Deathchargers, identical in appearance. One of two things happened: 1.


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