Where is navajo spoken
Sadly, despite their position as first peoples, their social, political, and cultural impact have often been unjustifiably ignored in our history books. We cannot deny that the Native Americans have woven an incalculable part in the fabric of North America. Among which is one of the most well-known tribes: the Navajo. With a vibrant culture currently concentrated in the Southwest of the United States, the history of the Navajo people and language spans centuries having had an influence on the entirety of North America.
It is for this reason that we celebrate them. Join us as we take a look into just how the Navajo have impacted the region and how their language has played such an important historical role. Today, the Navajo language boasts of having more than , speakers, with 7, monolingual speakers; it is the second largest recognized tribe by the US federal government after the Cherokee tribe, with over , registered members. There are many dialects of the Navajo language, each dependent on where the Navajo nation lies within the four corners region Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah.
Navajo code talkers were employed by the United States government to encode, transmit and decode messages. It was ideal for a number of reasons:. Navajo code talkers were widely recognized for their contributions to WWII. Recently, there have been high-profile attempts to keep the language alive. For example, in , Star Wars was translated into Navajo.
This marked the first time any major motion picture was translated into a Native American language. Most Navajo vocabulary is Athabaskan in origin, as the language has been conservative with loanwords since its early stages.
Dit aantal stijgt nog steeds. Navajo is de meest gesproken indiaanse taal van de Verenigde Staten. Met haar uitgebreide systeem van nominale klassen en verbuigingsgroepen, toonsysteem, pre- en suffixen, ingewikkelde werkwoordstijden en veelheid aan in westerse talen onbekende klanken is het Navajo berucht als een zeer moeilijk te leren taal.
In de Tweede Wereldoorlog tegen Japan gebruikte de Amerikaanse marine Navajo-indianen om militaire berichten in hun eigen taal uit te wisselen. Voor de Japanners was dat een onkraakbare code.
Navajo numbers 1 to Navajo en. International Languages. Iroquoian Language Family. Khoisan Language Family.
Language Isolates. Mayan Language Family. NaDene Language Family. Niger-Congo Language Family. Nilo-Saharan Language Family. Oto-Manguean Language Family. Pidgin Languages.
Romance Branch. Semitic Branch. Sino-Tibetan Language Family. Siouan Language Family. Slavic Branch. Tai-Kadai Language Family. Tibeto-Burmese Branch. Tungusic Languages. Turkic Branch. Uralic Language Family. Uto-Aztecan Language Family. Related Topics. See Related Topics. Families Recently Updated. Foreign language learning is real world education.
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