Where is darwen aldridge academy
From cradle to grave, you will develop knowledge of every stage of care giving. A level 3 course that prepares students for careers as digital technology practitioners covering all aspects of code, app development and data analysis.
From script writing to the final cut you will work in a professional film making crew to prepare you for a career in the film industry. Apply now. Find out more. Early finish on Open Evening. Open Evening. They clearly enjoy and, very importantly, value their education.
School leaders have created a highly positive and industrious culture. Pupils work well in lessons and have a very positive attitude to their work. Pupils say most teachers provide activities and topics that they find interesting.
They are very complimentary about the additional support that teachers provide. Although it is a larger than average school, pupils feel they receive highly personalised academic and pastoral guidance. Teaching of mathematics has improved considerably.
Now, the department performs consistently well. Leaders and teachers within the science department have managed considerable change very effectively and pupils are now performing well in all aspects of science.
The effectiveness of teaching across the humanities and modern foreign language departments has been much less effective. You have taken steps to improve this; however, it is too early to evaluate, with any degree of confidence, the effect of the changes you have made. Pupils take part in an extensive range of enriching activities and experiences.
You and other staff broaden the experiences of pupils, developing their local and international cultural understanding. The school is good and improving because leadership, at all levels, is strong.
Systems to monitor the impact of the work of the school are effective and informative. From this secure understanding, leaders plan well for improvement and implement effective strategies. Safeguarding is effective. You and your leadership team have ensured that all arrangements to promote safeguarding are efficient and effective. All staff are suitably trained. They are aware of their responsibilities and are vigilant.
The school has developed good relationships with other agencies that have responsibilities to protect children. Systems to ensure only suitable people are recruited to the school meet requirements. The open and very supportive culture of the school helps pupils feel safe and they are safe.
Inspection findings? Overall and since the last inspection, pupils have continued to make good progress. However, there have been some groups of pupils and some subjects that have not achieved as well as others. Both low- and middle-ability pupils have made strong progress. Religious character Does not apply. Diocese Not applicable.
Religious ethos None. Boarders No boarders. Nursery provision Not applicable. Official sixth form Has a sixth form. School capacity Help with school capacity field Opens a dialog Number of pupils Section 41 approved Not applicable. Open date 2 September Reason establishment opened New Provision. Closed date Not recorded. Reason establishment closed Not applicable. Special classes No Special Classes. Type of SEN provision. Type of resourced provision Not recorded. Resourced provision number on roll.
Resourced provision capacity. Legal duty to provide governance information More details All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them.