When do druids get moonkin

Seems every other crit nets me the proc. Comment by when every i see a druid i always ask them if they have moonkin form or tree of life and if dey do i askem if they will do dat druid dance! Comment by Fun Fact: Moonkin Form is the only Druid form where pieces of your gear are still visible only Weapons and Off-hands, though.

Edit: I've also noticed something. Comment by Lol it looks like a wooky. I mean a moonkin? Comment by Moonkin 4 Moon stuff. Comment by Abolish Poison also can be cast without canceling form, not mentioned in tooltips though.

Comment by If you're a Tauren it's mookin form. Comment by 3. Comment by Let aside the great bonusses that moonkin form i wanna focus on the looks. By my standard this form is absolutely ugly , a big pile of feathers with a beak i hate it.

Comment by I love how if you search "lazer chicken" this is the search result. From doing my normal rotation on a dummy for exactly two minutes I got 16, mana returned. It might be worth noting that I did not get any lucky streak of crits during this period, my Wrath was at a Comment by shallynne why moonkin?

Comment by What makes different shape of the Moonkin Mine doesnt have Horns :O. Comment by Ohhh, they nerfed it! Comment by Also, as far as aesthetic diffenences go, the Tauren Moonkin Form is slightly about ft taller than the Night Elf Moonkin Form not including antlers. Does this include Moonfire crits periodical crits with the T9 bonus? Or does this only work for Wrath and Starfire? Can someone list us a list with spells who gain the mana restore?

I've seen the new cat and bear forms for them and liked them a lot, but I was wondering if it's the same for Moonkin. That would be awesome. Comment by can someone link the forms? Comment by you know whats epic. Comment by gangstakago Looks like they're taking the Crit buff off Moonkin form in 4. We're no longer Crit Chickens and that makes me sad. Maybe we can come up with a new phrase, Moonkin: Hastes like Chicken. Comment by Draknalor why does it say requires level 20 when its a lvl 30 talent -.

Comment by Boomkin form is the best talent known to man and tauren of course Just my opinion. Comment by FlyingStratus It annoys me that you have to revert back to your basic form to mount up from moonkin form.

Moonkin Form is the best Druid form eva'. Comment by guatafu I believe and seriously hope the worgen and troll moonkin forms are just temporary skins. Or you could use an Addon like GupPet. Comment by Muzzle As much as I love moonkin form I'd like to see my gear as a balance druid. There should be a minor glyph that allows you to enter moonkin form and get all the buffs that come with it, but appear as your normal form.

Comment by On the contrary I would love to stay in Moonkin form even when mounted. Addition: I have just verified on my worgen druid that the Howto Moonkin Mount trick stills works in Cataclysm. Comment by As I have read in a number of different sites, moonkins need spirit for hitrating provided they click the talent point, off coarse. However, my hitrating went up quite a bit when i experimented by reforging all spirit to hit - does anyone here want to help me solve this puzzle?

Is it a bug, am I missing something, or has the talent been changed? Comment by Rustyculthoron Can someone explain to me the rational behind the Moonkin Form?

Why do spell casting Druids shape shift into these creatures? Also, is the shape shift totally necessary to the spec? I'd really like to make a caster Druid but I'm totally put off by the form.

Any suggestions? Comment by Cothumo Keep spaming moonfire! Comment by SolidSnack Moonkin? More like Oomkin! Sorry, that's not my joke.

Comment by Misy So what do you think, the moonkin or the egg came first? On the one hand, I want to see my Transmog, but on the other hand, I want to stay as a manbearowl. You stand stock-still. It makes for some hilarious situations if you have a Mushroom Chair handy.

Moonkin Form is considered as Humanoid , and while in Moonkin Form Druid is immune to polymorph effects. Glyph of Stampede allow Stampeding Roar to be cast without cancel Moonkin Form or normal humanoid form. Glyph of Stars change the look of Moonkin Form to an "astrally" humanoid form. Comment by Reignac A couple new animations have been added in MoP. Comment by Animalfuryz This pretty much sums it all up Comment by ontera Moonkin!

Comment by NickMansell This form has the power to destroy creatures with a single blow! Comment by Malkavus Actually, Moonkin Form requires level 16 now, not Comment by Gotnov 5. Comment by You can mount up as a fat Boomkin.

Enjoy breaking your mounts back. Comment by netohuerta i wish they would make thos transformation toys work better with this form so i can be in Moonkin Form but have something like Kalytha's Haunted Locket over it and not replace it. Oh my LORD!! In moonkin I have 6k armor and a Comment by Wildarms1 This form has gotten a huge dps buff.

Moonfire spam has reached a new level and owns any person in sight. Treant ability is awesome as well, especially against hunters. This is great for raids if you put the healers into the group with the moonkin, or even the other offensive casters for some boosted DPS.

The new mana recovery chance on hit when in moonkin form is nice, too, really helps in tight situations. Comment by raventears This form is also great to have with the mix of a feral druid in the group with Leader Of The Pack to help melee crits. Moonkin form is fun and I love the way it looks, especially the dance. Not many druids go into balance for leveling, only really for raiding from what I have seen , and they are missing out on some fun with casting.

Also, since the moonkin form was changed so that melee hits have a chance to gain mana back, that juggled with certain balance talents and Blessing of Wisdom really help to get away from the "oomkin" misconception that balance druids never have mana.

Overall, it is awesome to experiment with this form and talent tree, and I am very happy with the changes that Blizzard made. I don't draw agro because I do crap damage and our Tank is best on realm!

I think not! I think Comment by Isilvara Also, while in Moonkin form you count as a Humanoid Unlike feral and Tree Of Life forms, where you count as either beast or elemental.

You can still not mount up, however, with the exception of using bugs, glitches and costumes. Comment by loozerr The moonkin dance is actually exactly same as the ogre dance. Comment by If you had two Moonkin in the same group, would the auras stack? Comment by Toldry 5 moonkins in a arena team. Comment by One thing i have been noticing lately I know i am generalizing, but i felt to give it a warning to those that check out this stuff so they can improve.

A druid is meant as a hybrid. I met druids moonkins that say they wont heal nor tank. A small taunt in bear form to save the priest, or some off healin? All mentioned before was just because Moonkins are the plated mage. Ya its a gattling gun spammer but Not even before the patches, just needed some mana management really.

Moonkins can be the best support Spec there is. Resto are used a main healers so they dont count on support here.

And ferals, they have the dps to care about. On the other hand, although their damage is in fact moderate to high, they can always pop out to heal as they have more mana than ferals usually. On the pvp side But i was assuming the moonkins were geared before, in case they arent, they are ultimately the support of a group, giving a simple damage output with faery fire to help, and pop out for some healing.

So ya! Comment by tauren moonkins are so big compared to the night elf ones. Comment by The melee effect restores about one third of your AP as mana works out to about mana for a level 70 druid with little or no gear that gives AP. Look for Elune's Grace in the combat log. It seems to work like other procs i. It works on anything that can be hit in melee, so hitting critters while farming is an easy way to restore some mana. Comment by We had a boomkin druid stand in a party with four pallies.

This meant bigger pally heals and pallies with limitless mana pools. At times we would also swap priests in to buff inspiration on the tank. One boomkin is definitely a benefit to any raid if you want to buff your healing or your DPS. Comment by levelling as moonkin is rather fun.

I'm not sure how I ever got to level 40 as balance, but at Moonkin is a blast. Comment by Everytime I see a druid I can't help myself, I have to ask if they have moonkin form and if they'll dance for me. Comment by Melee mana is so pointless, it does very little damage, and when you're attacking a mage and you go oom, why would you run up to them so you could beat them except for entertainment purposes?

Change mana regen to spell cast or spell crit imo. Comment by Blizard has been taking spells for each class off the talent tree so that each class can learn that spell. Hopefuly they will do something like that and we all could be a moonkin, or they might lets us learn the Force of Nature spell to!

Comment by I don't understand it.. Doesn't being a moonkin mean you're looking for spell stats primarily? Anyone think it's intentional? Perhaps to keep moonkins from being too powerful :O Leave it to blizzard entertainment to base class abilities incongruently with the gear necessary to make the class effective, lol. Comment by Can someone tell how that mana regen scales with attack power?

How much more mana You get from more attack power :. Comment by After recently arriving in the outlands, once again I decided to give Balance a try. Comment by One thing that I haven't seen is that lil tid bit about the tauren Moonkin. Comment by well moonkins are moon avengers they pew pew if decent geared also dont forgot to use highest ap from weapons and i would recomend to enchant it with savagery 80 ap roughly 25 mana still nice boost :D. Comment by There's always confusion about Moonkin Form, so let's review: -Moonkin Form considers the druid to be a humanoid, making you vulnerable to crowd control skills such as Sap, Seduce and Mind Control.

Casting any non-Balance spell will either give you an error or shift you out of Moonkin Form depending on your settings. Allied races. Useful macros What are addons? More WoW info. Events Ongoing Seasonal Micro-holidays World.

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