What is the difference between nursing implications and nursing interventions
Sign in. September , Volume Number 5 , page - [Free]. Join NursingCenter to get uninterrupted access to this Article. What is the difference between a nursing intervention and an intervention delivered by a nurse?
It's an important question before this journal. The purpose of the journal, adopted by the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists NACNS Board of Directors, is to publish scholarly works by clinical nurse specialists and other advanced practice nurses whose manuscripts advance the practice of nursing-manuscripts that describe nurse-initiated interventions delivered in response to a diagnosis that can be treated within nursing's autonomous scope of practice.
More specifically, the journal invites articles about innovative interventions. Innovations may be created by: 1 invention that leads to an entirely new intervention, 2 adaptation that adopts or modifies something already in existence, 3 novel application of an intervention from one patient population to another, or 4 adoption of an intervention into nursing practice that is used by another provider.
Autonomous practice is related to but different from independent practice. Autonomy refers to a legal scope of practice and includes the ability to determine a problem and initiate action to resolve the problem. Autonomy is secured under a license granted by a governing body. Nursing's autonomy to practice comes from law. Individual state boards of nursing operate to enact the laws put in place by governing bodies, the state legislatures.
In the nursing implications section, authors interpret the findings for specific nursing practices. Implications should be realistic, appropriate, and based on the data from the study as well as the literature that preceded this study. They also must consider the scope of nursing practice Fawcett, Authors should not assume readers can make the link between specific findings and clinical practice.
For example, if results of a study are mixed and unclear, an author should not suggest practice be changed based on this particular study. To identify implications, authors should ask themselves, "Based on the evidence, what should nurses Use this link to get back to this page. Nursing implications of research.
Are these the same thing? Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education. Apr 2, Specializes in rehab, long-term care, ortho.
Has 2 years experience. Specializes in Nursing Professional Development. Has 44 years experience. At the most fundamental level, management is a discipline that consists of a set of five general functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
The legal implications of nursing practice are tied to licensure, state and federal laws, scope of practice and a public expectation that nurses practice at a high professional standard. Skip to content Miscellaneous. April 22, Joe Ford. Table of Contents.