What is the difference between a print resource and an electronic resource

Much of the work you do in the reference section is preliminary to actually reading relevant articles and books or conducting field research. This work nevertheless helps you focus your topic and direction. Print resources are books, journals, newspapers, and other documents containing relevant information. Print vs web resources Download Now Download Download to read offline.

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Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Print vs web resources 1. Print Resources vs. Web Resources Somipam R. Print vs. Authorship and affiliations Print sources clearly indicate who the author is, what organization s he or she is affiliated with, and when his or her work was published.

The impact of e-resources was noticeable from the decrease in number of print resources in comparison to the increase in e-resources. The study was conducted through a structured questionnaire to elicit the opinion of the science research scholar, distributed among research Scholars of different science departments, of out of which 80 dully filled questionnaires were received back giving an overall response rate of 80 per cent.

The paper concludes that electronic resources have become an integral part of the information needs of research scholars at Karnatak University. Further, it finds that e-resources can be good substitutes for conventional resources. Nazir Ahmad Bhat assessed the satisfaction level of users with regard to the following types of Electronic Information Resources EIRs relevant to agriculture and allied disciplines, viz. Seven universities were surveyed using a questionnaire for collecting data.

Anajoyce Samuel Katabalwa studied the use of electronic resource by the postgraduate students in the School of Education at the University of Dares Salaam. The study showed that most of the students are using e-resources for many purposes. The major difficulties faced in the use of electronic resources are power failure, inadequate bandwidth, slow speed, inability to access the resources from home, lack of training, lack of awareness, limited access to computers and difficulty in searching.

Finally, the recommendations for improving the use of electronic journal resources are provided. For example, some federal agency decisions may not be available in Lexis or Westlaw and are only posted on the agency's website.

Check the scope note on the database, check with your firm's librarian, or contact the vendor; Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg all have reference attorneys who can help determine if what you need is available in your firm's subscription or elsewhere in their system.

Understand the currency of each resource Not all online services have older materials. Print resources may include older materials but may not be as current as online. Understand the accuracy of each resource Print and subscription-based online services are generally produced by reliable publishers or information providers, which adds some weight to their credibility. Free Internet resources require special scrutiny.

Know who is behind the website; check "About" and "Contact" pages to determine if the source of the information is credible.

Material available in multiple media can be cross-checked for accuracy. For example, a citation on a website can be verified against the print version. If information is not cited, this may be a sign that the material should not be relied upon. No additional charges for researching in print beyond the time spent to do so. If researching in print takes just as long, or even a bit longer, than searching online it may be more cost effective to research in print. Note: flat rate does not mean free or unlimited searching.

Each year the contract will be reviewed and renewed based on usage during the previous contract. Searching outside the package will incur standard search charges along the lines of "pay per view" channels. Once in the relevant section, browse the content before and after the section to see if there is other relevant material.


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