What is nevadas nickname

State Capital. State Colors. State Fish. State Flag. State Flower. State Fossil. State Grass. State Insect. State Locomotive. Nevada's harsh but rich environment shaped its history and culture. Before small Mormon settlements along the Utah border sustained their communities through faith, but the secular western section stumbled along until the great silver strikes beginning in created boom towns and fabulous fortunes.

After the beginning of the 20th century, profits declined while Progressive reformers sought to curb rampaging capitalism and its attendant miseries. They imagined a civilized Nevada of universities, lofty idealism, and social reform. But an economic bust during the s and disillusionment from failures at social reform and a population decline of nearly one-fourth meant that by Nevada had degenerated into a "beautiful desert of buried hopes. The Nevada state nickname originates from the mids, during the silver-rush days.

A silver-rush is the silver-mining equivalent of a gold rush, where discovering silver ore becomes extremely common, resulting in mass gatherings of people flocking from all over to seek wealth within the new mining region.

The silver-rush came for Nevada in the mids, at this time silver was shoveled off the ground in Nevada, where heavy grey encrustations of silver had formed on the surface of the desert over millions of years. After a few decades had passed, Nevada, as well as surrounding states, had been rinsed dry of silver and other minerals due to over-mining. If you are interested in seeing the Nicknames for states in the US all 50 of them , including the date each state was entered into the Union, then head over to our page that lists them in alphabetical order.

If you are interested in learning about the Nevada State abbreviation , take a look at our page dedicated to this. Named the " Sagebrush State " for the wild sage that grows there prolifically. However, the Sagebrush State challenged by Wyoming is more common the sagebrush being the state's official flower , occasionally shortened to Sage State.

Sagebrush is Nevada's official state flower and is found on the Nevada state flag. Facetious nicknames, like Divorce State have appeared in this case, due to the rise of Reno and Las Vegas.

The sage hen is a true bird of the west.


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