What happens if the data entered is wrong
Duplicate data: A single Account, Contact, Lead, etc. Poor data entry: Misspells, typos, transpositions, and variations in spelling, naming or formatting.
How does the Bad Data affect your Data warehouse? Twitter Tweet. Facebook Share. Stay Connected Join over , of your peers and receive our weekly newsletter which features the top trends, news and expert analysis to help keep you ahead of the curve. Get the best of B2C in your inbox: Subscribe to our newsletter Sign up. Your subscription was successful. Popular Articles. Discuss This Article.
Show Comments 2. Add a Comment. Sign up for our weekly newsletter. As a general rule, it's a good idea to put as much of the computational logic into the application layer and keep the interaction with the database as simple as possible. With that said, it is possible that your application may not need to worry about such heavy scalability issues. If you are certain that database server load will not be a problem for the foreseeable future, then go ahead and put the constraints on the database.
You are quite correct that this improves the organization and simplicity of your system as a whole by keeping validation logic in a central location. There are other concerns than just SQL injection with input.
You should take the most defensive stance possible whenever accepting user input. For example, a user might be able to enter a link to an image into a textbox, which is actually a PHP script that runs something nasty. If you design your application well, you should not have to laboriously check all input.
For example, you could use a Forms API which takes care of most of the work for you, and a database layer which does much the same. It's far too late by the time the data gets to your database to provide meaningful validation for your users and applications.
You don't want your database doing all the validation since that'll slow things down pretty good, and the database doesn't express the logic as clearly. Similarly, as you grow you'll be writing more application level transactions to complement your database transactions. I would say it's potentially a bad practice, depending on what happens when the query fails. For example, if your database could throw an error that was intelligently handled by an application, then you might be ok.
On the other hand, if you don't put any validation in your app, you might not have any bad data, but you may have users thinking they entered stuff that doesn't get saved. Implement as much data validation as you can at the database end without compromising other goals. For example, if speed is an issue, you may want to consider not using foreign keys, etc. Furthermore, some data validation can only be performed on the application side, e. Another disadvantage to doing data validation from the database is that often you dont validate the same way in every case.
In fact, it often depends on application logic user roles , and sometimes you might want to bypass validation altogether cron jobs and maintenance scripts. You probably don't read the user manual for those. One thing is unclear from your question. After she made an incorrect change, is she aware that she has made an incorrect change? I purchased the Fisher Price digital camera for my kids several xmases ago. The software it came with would make my list of truly awful interfaces.
Either your company needs a better way to communicate that to the customer, or they need to consider finding a new customer. Of course, that'd probably cost more than if they'd just invest in a bit of training. One other thought Don't actually change ANY data in the system but instead version each and every record. Then develop an 'undo' or 'rollback' interface. That way the business owner can deal with fixing all the mistakes her staff is making.
It seems this user is changing fields which are outside of the scope of her duties. If these parts of the interface were related to her duties, then I think she would know what they do, and not misuse them,. One way to prevent this would be to restrict the user to modify only those parts of the data that they are responsible for. Don't show the user parts of the interface that are not relevant to her duties. Don't give her access to modify data which is not relevant to her duties.
Easier for her to get her work done, safer for the data. This could be done by assigning a role to each user, or giving each user a set of access permissions. The former may be preferable for a large user bases.
The latter may be preferable when each individual needs a unique set of access permissions. Once the user becomes familiar with the system, it might be possible to open up access to other parts of the interface, according to need.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Solutions for dealing with really bad user entering wrong data? Ask Question. Asked 11 years ago. Active 2 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 4k times. This question I'm going to break into two parts, the back story, and the real question. So it is a fairly complex system. What can I do to prevent this bad input that is not significantly different from good data?
Improve this question. Malfist Malfist 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. I'm not following why employing only female staff leads to a requirement for a 'fisher price interface'. Perhaps a positive step forwards would be to educate your client! I think the fisher price interface more comes from the "paying minimum wage", "does not require computer literacy" and "won't waste money on training" parts.
Agreed with Splog, gender of users is irrelevent. I was making the point with the gender not that the gender is an issue, but rather that the hiring practices at the client's office aren't based on skill. Sounds like the 'bad user' has presented some valuable design opportunities.
Show 2 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. It turned out the user thought she could search from the Property Name textbox This is a very common problem actually. It's hard to give recommendations without knowing the app and the actual business procedures, but here's what I'd throw in roughly: A start page to select an action e.
Clicking a result, or executing a search with a single result gets you to e. Still read only. Pivot Tables are a fabulous tool that every reporter should learn, but they do have their limits.
Click here for 6 Excel add-ins that help you find, process, and analyze your data like a pro. Human data entry is a very common problem. There is no worse way to screw up data than to let a single human type it in. Manual editing is almost the same as data that was entered by humans except that it happens after the fact and often with good intentions. In fact, data are often manually edited in an attempt to fix data that was originally entered by humans.
A lack of provenance can be a good indication that someone may have toyed with it. Academics often get data from the government, monkey with it and then redistribute it to journalists.
Whenever feasible always try to get the primary source or at least the earliest version you can and then do your own analysis from that. Sometimes the problem is nobody ever bothered to figure out the MOE.
This is one problem with unscientific polls.