What does mr. samsa throw at gregor

A defeated man whose business failure has seemingly sapped his vitality. Since she had experienced the worst in life, Gregory was no horror to her. After Gregor dies in pain and completely isolated, his family does not mourn his passing. In fact, they do the opposite: they experience immense relief, as though a burden has been lifted from their collective shoulders. Samsa even thanks God that his son is dead.

The manner in which the cleaning woman responds to Gregor when she first comes into the house might be described as stoic, tolerant or even friendly though the things she says to him are strange. Sometimes it is considered a symbol of longevity, purification, love, and friendship, and other times it is seen to be symbolic of bitterness and disappointment. Catholic tradition linked the fruit to fidelity. He also discovers that he enjoys crawling on the walls and ceiling.

Gregor dies slowly through the abuse and neglect of his family, who no longer have any use for him once he turns into an insect and can no longer work. His father injures him badly by throwing an apple at him, which lodges in his back. His back becomes inflamed and the apple rots, which weakens Gregor. Why does Gregor lose interest in living?

What is the spiritual meaning of apples? Gregor spends much of his time listening to the family through the door. He learns that the money he regularly gave his parents has not all been spent, and he feels proud of his contribution to their wellbeing.

To avoid spending this savings, however, the family members will need to find employment. Gregor feels embarrassed when he hears them discuss this topic, as the father has become out of shape and clumsy and the mother has asthma, so neither seems very capable of working.

Gregor also reflects on his relationship with his family, recalling how he and his parents had grown apart but that he and Grete had remained close, so much so that he had planned to send her to music school to study the violin. Gregor slowly adapts to his new life.

He begins to enjoy scurrying around his room and climbing on a chair to look out the window. Though Grete continues to look after Gregor, he notices that she cannot stand the sight of him, and he hides behind a sheet draped over the sofa when she enters the room.

The parents avoid coming in, though they seem curious about his state. The mother in particular is eager to see him, but Grete and the father urge her not to. Grete sees that Gregor enjoys climbing up the walls and across the ceiling, so she decides to remove the furniture from the room to give him more space.

While the father is out, Grete and the mother start taking out furniture. Gregor hides as usual, but he grows anxious as he hears his mother worry that she and Grete might be doing him a disservice by stripping the room of his possessions.

While Grete and the mother talk in the living room, Gregor, panicked at the thought of losing all the remnants of his human life, climbs the wall and covers the picture of the woman in furs to prevent it from being taken away.

Samsa emerges in his uniform, his wife and his daughter at his side. They chase the boarders out of their apartment. They all compose letters to their employers saying that they're taking the day off.

On the train out to the country, Mr. Samsa and his wife mutually recognize that Grete has grown into a marriageable young woman. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Samsa Timeline Mr. Samsa Timeline. Topics Character Roles Protagonist, Antagonist Tools of Characterization.

Samsa Mr. Samsa Quotes Mrs. Logging out…. Logging out You've been inactive for a while, logging you out in a few seconds I'm Still Here! W hy's T his F unny?


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