What colors are there for casts
Have you ever wondered what kind of person are you? Are you an alpha — a leader, someone who dominates? Questions: 10 Attempts: Last updated: Oct 21, Yes, sometimes, she can be so ugh! No, I kept my cool. Some of my friends have gotten really, really mad at me, and I said sorry and that seemed to do the trick! Yes, and I regret it. Featured Quizzes. Try blowing some air in the cast with a hair dryer — be sure to use the cool setting, though. This can happen if the cast is hit or crushed, has a weak spot, or if the injured area begins to swell underneath.
Call your doctor as soon as you notice a crack. In most cases, a simple repair can be done to the cast without needing to remove it or change it. Redness and rawness are typically signs that the cast is wet inside, from sweat or water. Sometimes, kids pick at or remove the padding from the edges of fiberglass casts.
Call your doctor to have the problem fixed right away. Some kinds of fractures are put into a splint at first, then later switched to a cast. Some fractures, such as a rib or collarbone, are not casted.
Certain fractures of larger long bones, such as the femur thighbone , are hard to keep straight in a cast. Although doctors used to put many of these kinds of fractures in traction a way of gently pulling the bone straight , these days, surgery is often used instead.
The doctor may recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease pain. The doctor will use a small electrical saw to remove the cast. Although it may look and sound scary to your child, the process is actually quick and painless. Once the cast is off, the injured area will probably look and feel pretty weird to your child: The skin will be pale, dry, or flaky; hair will look darker; and the area muscles especially will look smaller or weaker.
And depending on the type and location of the fracture, the doctor may also give your child special exercises to do to get the muscles around the broken bone back in working order. Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only.
A parent must realize that a child is not the same as a professional athlete. With a professional athlete, there may be significant financial considerations which factor into whether an athlete should return to play — a professional athlete may be willing take on the risk of re-injury or irreparable problems in the future for immediate glory or fortune.
For most children and teenagers with a fracture — and indeed most adults not competing at a professional level — a more conservative approach is warranted. The discussion of when your child can return to sports should take place between you and your doctor.
If your doctor feels that your child may participate in sports with some restrictions, one must realize that there is still a chance that some unforeseen event may occur. There are rarely if any certainties in medicine as in life.
Life with a cast on can certainly be challenging. There are a number of issues surrounding school which often arise. The only practice in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. Skip navigation Directions Office Hours. Wint, MD Bruce I. Wintman, MD Richard T. What is Hand Surgery? Videos Pediatric Fractures of the Hand and Wrist Broken Wrist Hand Center - Broken Finger Hand Center Soccer Injury Advice Pediatric Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint presentations are very detailed medical presentations for medical professionals who are seeking ot learn more about Pediatric finger, hand, wrist, forearm and upper extremity topics.
There are reading materials in the exam rooms, but a parent may want to have some toys or other distractions available for younger children. Your child will then be seen by one of the hand and upper extremity surgeons in our practice: Dr. Jeffrey Wint, Dr. Bruce Wintman, or Dr. Richard Martin. You can be assured that at every visit to our practice, your child will be evaluated by a doctor.
Your doctor will start out with some questions and then move on to a physical examination. He will take great care in examining the injured extremity, being as gentle as possible. X-rays of the injured hand or wrist may be necessary even if X-rays were obtained in the past. This may be for a number of reasons including checking the current position of a fracture, looking for unrecognized fractures, or requiring special views of the bones and joints.
If an X-ray is needed, your child should not worry. This is not a painful process. Our Certified X-ray Technician will be there with your child throughout the process and to help position the injured upper extremity.
The parent need only step out of the X-ray room momentarily while the X-ray is taken. After the X-ray is processed and evaluated, you will be seen again by the doctor to go over the findings and discuss the diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment depends on the injury but may range from splinting, casting, closed reduction to surgery. Your doctor will review all the options and give you his recommendations. Your doctor will make sure you and your child have a chance to ask any questions you might have. One suggestion, if you are going to have trouble keeping your cast clean be honest , you will want a darker color.
Kids often want their friends to be able to sign their cast; there is a marking pen that can work for even the darkest colors see below. Try a silver ink pen on the dark color casts.
Combining cast colors or having a two colored cast can work, but generally for longer casts ones that go both above and below the elbow or knee. Cast colors usually come as one color on the roll and using different colors only works if you are needing multiple rolls of cast material.
If you want a multi-colored cast, there are some cast materials that come in camouflage or other multi-colored patterns. Not that it needs to be suggested because having your cast signed has been the favorite of broken bone sufferers for generations, but it is harder to sign fiberglass casts than the older style plaster casts. It can be done, though. Just buy a thick marker. If you have a darker colored cast, you can buy a thick-tipped silver marker that should work well.
Just keep in mind before you hand the pen over, that most ink will be on the cast for the duration of your treatment. While your friends may find their witty markings humorous, it's you who has to live with the cast.
Several companies and entrepreneurs make decorative cast covers. You can find these available for order online, including on Amazon and Etsy. An example is CastCoverz! One of the advantages of these types of covers is that your cast can change with your mood or your style. Unlike the aforementioned decorations, a cover is removable, replaceable, and probably most important, washable.
A cast cover is a great way to keep your cast clean, and for those obsessed with matching their attire, this is a method to keep you in fashion.