Websites how many are there
But when it comes to the layout, the site can be a bit vexing. When I hover over any category on the navbar, it gives me a dropdown menu. Nothing wrong with that—except for the fact that each dropdown menu has its own series of dropdown menus, creating a sea of nested content that can be extremely frustrating to find. I have a headache just thinking about it! Not all websites that look good initially are good at getting the job done and converting users into leads and customers.
There are thousands—and the only real way to find them on your website is to understand how users interact with it. Remember, even books with great covers can get put down halfway through.
Make sure your website is well designed and well structured from start to finish. But what if you recently completed a redesign and find that many users are bouncing, and your conversion rates are lower than expected? Similarly, images have the ability to significantly slow down the load time of the pages that house them, leading to even more user abandonment. In fact, not only does slow load time effect user behavior by causing users to leave your site, it also affects SEO.
As such, it needs to exude credibility in every sense of the word. When it comes to portraying credibility on a company website, step one is to have a modern, updated design that shows your company cares about its digital presence. This includes implementing all of the aspect ratio, image, font and layout information we discussed above. Good design relies on a seamless integration of quality, informative, and credibility-boosting content into the overall fabric of the site. This way high quality aesthetics are bolstered with evidence of success, brand-defining statements, and images that keep users interested and engaged.
As we learned from our first statistic, it takes much less than a second for a user to form their opinion on the quality of a website. Users take an average of 2. The key to creating a positive first impression is a combination of extreme clarity and quality design. This area will most often be a line of text or media that introduces your company to the user. If you want users to gravitate toward something specific on your website, try pushing that image or multimedia toward the top left of the page, and maintaining that same structure throughout the site.
Eye-tracking studies analyzing user behavior have found that users mimic the way that they would read a book when they scan websites:. They start at the upper part of the content area, reading horizontally from left to right, then move down and read a smaller quantity of content from left to right.
Try to order the pages of your website in this way, so that users see the content that will influence their credibility and potential purchasing decisions front and center. Images are great.
Choose images that are relevant to your product or service offering and will not distract from the overall objective of the website. It may feel like an image slider is a good idea, because it gives you the ability to portray your company in multiple different settings, or allows you to pitch a variety of offers—but most statistics point to sliders actually having a detrimental impact on conversion and user opinion.
Sliders tend to distract users from what they were originally doing on your website. Not to mention, the fact that users only spend 5. So how is it possible to convey a positive image of your company on your website in such a short time?
Remember statistic 4, when we briefly discussed the nested content that lives in the seemingly endless dropdown menus on the Restoration Hardware website? Keeping in mind the fact that users spend an average of 5. Believe it or not, users want to know what your website wants them to do. A locksmith is an example of a commonly used service that requires immediate action, but even companies with a longer sales cycle can benefit immensely from having some sort of call to action on their homepage.
It tells users what you have to offer while making it as easy as possible to purchase a product or request a service.
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