Is it possible to change sides in skyrim
User Info: IhateMelvin. Nope, you're too late to change. During the Jagged Crown quest though, you can bring the crown to the other person and change sides by that, but you're past that quest. But i have a save point from back then. I could just go back. Thank you. Which side did u pick and are u happy with ur choice? I have a save point from right before the fight for the crown. Now if i get the crown, i could technically just hold onto it for a while and just not turn the quest in right?
If i speak to the jarl, i have to say here i have the crown for it to be over with. So i can continue to quest in both areas first. Or can i not do that? Once you go black, you can't go back. Fortunately for you, you went Stormcloak, which you can go back from. Just go to Solitude and give General Tullius the crown.
I picked Imperials. Optional Quest. Message to Whiterun. Achievement Quest. Missable Achievement. Battle for Whiterun. A False Front. Reunification of Skyrim. Liberation of Skyrim. Rescue from Fort Neugrad. The Battle for Fort Dunstad. Compelling Tribute. The Battle for Fort Sungard. I believe this is the only time you can do so.
There's really not much difference between the two, after you finish the questline the Jarls on the opposite side will be replaced. I joined the Legion since Elisif is nicer then Ulfric, and Ulfric hates anyone that's not a nord. As far as I know, there's no way to switch after the Jagged Crown.
You can find soldiers wandering Skyrim that belong to both your side and the others. If you talk to the ones not on your side, they'll ask you to switch.
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